About Us


Information About Surveillance Investigations

Arrow Intelligence Group provides surveillance services to assist individuals, solicitors, insurers, or businesses to obtain photographic and video evidence for private or commercial matters.

We have highly trained government licenced investigators.


Who Uses Surveillance Investigations and What are they used for:

  • For individuals for cheating spouses, family law and custody matters, missing persons, concerns about drug addiction, harassment
  • For Law firms prior to a court case to determine activities and test alleged incapacity or to locate persons of interest
  • For Insurers or Businesses as a tool to determine the level of injury and incapacity of an injured worker
  • For Businesses to locate persons or assets, to determine if their employee is really ill or injured, or to assist with theft or malicious damage issues

Arrow also conducts Social Media Investigations, also known as ‘Desktop’ Investigations for commercial or private clients. This can be used as a stand alone or pre-surveillance tool to determine the likely behaviours of the Subject, their employment status, or untoward activities.

We also conduct:

  • General Social Media Investigations including fraud, scams and impersonation or identity theft
  • Skip trace searches to locate debtors, witnesses or family members
  • To confirm or refute work-related or personal Cyber Bullying


Call Arrow Intelligence Group on (02) 8279 2261 for a discreet obligation free consultation or leave your details on our contact form.